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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 8. 1962.

The Trouble

The Trouble

If Resident Executive made a concerted effort to know the students' viewpoint and engaged in proper public relations, the present situation would not arise. One hopes to see some public relation under the new administration and not the half-baked efforts of complete lack of effort that has been the hallmark of previous administrations. Local Executives are also to blame for mystery that surrounds Nzusa.

The delegates to Nzusa from the constituents should revaluate their attitude towards a Council meeting. They should throw aside any idea that they are attending a miniature Un. In the past a change has come over delegates when the gavel rapped for the commencement of Council. They seem to stop being students, with the exception of the Agricultural Colleges. The Executives of these two Colleges have always been a model for their interest in and contact with their students.

The pity is that delegates to Nzusa seem unaware that their outlook changes when they enter c the Council room. Some examples of this change have already been quoted but there are two other classic instances. One occurred at a Council when the apportionment of costs for a dinner was being discussed.

A senior member of the Executive stated that he could not understand why people were making such an issue of the question. With a casual gesture towards the Tournament, he said: "After all, they are paying r for it." No wonder Nzusa has a nasty smell attached to it!

The other example concerns the delegations New Zealand sends to international conferences. Not one of these delegations has visited the constituents in ten years. How can it be said that New Zealand students obt ain benefit from sending these delegations overseas? At Easter Council 1962, it was decided to have these people at the Universities. At Victoria we have not members of the two delegations concerned. If this is the fault of Victoria's Executive then the Resident Executive of Nzusa should give Exec, a sharp prod. As yet it has not done so.