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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 8. 1962.


Last Easter 400 students attended the 60th Inter-University Easter Tournament. They arrived on Good Friday in Auckland, played various sports both by day and by night, drank made friends, and left for home the following Wednesday. How many of these students realised that an Association of which they are all financial members was holdings its Annual Meeting in the same city at the same time?

In fact, how many of New Zealand's 17,000 students knew of the meeting? How many know that they are members of the mysterious organisation that glories in the title of the New Zealand University Students' Association? How many care? Very few.

It is not really their fault. Rather it is the fault of the high lords of Nzusa who don't care whether or not students know of their existence. Let's have a look at this Association and its relationship with the common or garden student. Let's trace a typical Council meeting of Nzusa from start to finish.

The Council Meeting of Nzusa consists of the resident Exec., permanently in Wellington, and delegations from the four Universities and two Agricultural Colleges. Also included are one or two honorary Vice-Presidents of the Association. Most of these people, particularly the resident Exec., would not dream of roughing it on boat and train with the Tournament teams. Nothing less than the good services of Nac will suffice. Sometimes the extra expense is paid by the individual, but it is usually the students' money that provides this luxury. The usual argument for air travel is that members cannot get leave from their jobs. Perhaps Yet team members either get leave or pay the air fare themselves. Why not Nzusa? We can leave it there. It would be of little use suggesting that Nzusa delegates and officers could get to know the students by travelling with them. Little use that is outside Victoria since travelling with the team is a normal policy of Victoria's Nzusa delegation.