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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 7. 1962.

Hostel Notes — Weir House Gossip

Hostel Notes

Weir House Gossip

For a team that started as a beer-and-biscuits social outing about ten years ago, the Weir House Rugby XV has scaled the I heights. The halcyon days of flagons broken out at half-time, have been replaced by regular practices twice weekly and a commendable record in recent years. Last year the team tied first, equal with Hutt for the Junior Second championship, incidentally scoring more championship points than any other Varsity team. John Armstrong and Barry Finch, this year's captain and vice-captain were selected for the Junior representative team.

This year the team started well, winning its first three games comfortably, before dropping its first two points last Saturday. Two Weir Old Boys' teams have been formed, both playing in the Junior Third Grade, and these two stick more closely to the old format of "relaxed" training.

Lloyd Clarke and Jock Donovan are both playing senior football for Varsity this year. Jock took the place of Weir Old Boy the redoubtable Neil Wolfe.


The Heath Robinson maze of wires and odd valves in C18 is John Hirst's TV set. It was built around an old oscilloscope and cost about £15—half of which went into a commercially-built tuner. John claims he knocked up his infernal machine in about two weeks, and it has been running faithfully since last July. He watches "Crusader Rabbit" and "Robin Hood" because the picture is rather a nice shade of Lincoln Green.


President of the House Association this year is Ivan Kwok, a third-year resident and law student from Taihape. Ivan is a part-timer. The results of this year's House elections were: Tom Wilson (Vice-President), Mark Horton (Secretary), John Lander (Treasurer), and Lloyd Clarke and Barry Jackson (Committee Members).

The Association, under the aegis of the Warden, is the House as a body politic, and besides being a general meeting where residents can air their grievances and make suggestions, it delegates committees to run the canteen, the social functions, discussions, debates, the magazine and various House amenities.

Art Exhibition

The "Groin" school of anarchic abstractionists opened its Winter Exhibition in the C-floor gallery. Six paintings were on display, and Salient particularly noticed "A Glurk Trolling" an essay in cosmic awareness and "Still Life: Gas Guitar and Gumboots", which is an apt commentary on the school's declared credo of "Directed Nothingness manifested in Concentric Striving."

Another artistic efflorescence, or excrescence if you prefer, was a spontaneous outburst of satiric poetry which was channelled by the Warden into a poetry contest —contributions to be written in Petrarchan or Shakesperean sonnet form or terza rima. The prize was taken by an anonymous contributor, "Earwig," who seemed to be the only one of the three entrants who knew what a sonnet was.

This is Just a Touch of Things to Come. Womens' Hostels Vic. A., Helen Lowry, and Vic B. See if you can Reduce some of your Activities to Writing. "Salient" Guarantees to Print it.