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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University of Wellington. Vol. 24, No. 5. 1961

What is Happening to Tournament ?

What is Happening to Tournament ?

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Tournament, a veritable institution in varsity life, is changing its character; its size and importance is now beyond its legitimate role in 'varsity life. Firstly, it Takes up too Much Time. Most competitors were compelled to leave on Wednesday night, and did not return till the following Wednesday (and who has caught up on valuable swotting time?).

Too Much Emphasis on Social Ife

Secondly, the emphasis of Tournament is swinging from sport to the social life. This is because of the large number of non-participants who do not justify their presence by turning up at the various sports to barrack their university teams. Their's is exclusively the night life—parties, hops, rigger strings, parties—any appearance in broad daylight is purely to visit a certain bowling green—or the equivalent. (Those to whom this applies—do not take this as a personal attack—someone else was more drunk and behaved in a worse manner: you were only one of the milling males.

This importance on social habits, namely dancing or drinking, is unfair to the people who are expected to compete in the sports.—i.e., how can one get a good night's sleep while a hundred busy fellows are blundering through the flat in search of grog? More often the competitor gives way to temptation and offers the excuse (quite legitimately) that a heavy night-out before the game is a sufficient explanation for poor play.

Perhaps this is connected with the fact that an outstanding career at parties is more widely acclaimed than an outstanding performance in sport. And what acclamation does a N.Z.U. blue receive when he arrives back at his Alma Mater?

Our Hosts and Other Entertainment

There is no doubt that the people of Dunedin are, on the whole, tolerant hosts. Cheap meals were provided at the new Student Union Building. (Note — Otago students will henceforth be notorious for their cleanliness and are to be congratulated on choosing their caterers—tea at 3d, coffee at 4d—Exec, take note.)

An elevated form of entertainment was provided by the O.U. Drama Club's performance of Noel Coward's "Hay Fever," and the C.U. Drama Club's production of "Waiting for Godot."


Vic. got the wooden spoon, but this is irrelevant to our sub-heading: The traditional complaints need not be trotted out. But it may be asked "Why didn't Vic. get the drinking horn?"—and not one single drinking blue.

What does One Get out of Tournament?

—A sense of achievement?

—A blue?

—New friends? (or would you rather not see them again?).

—Well, anyway, a sense of wonderful depravity, and at the same time assurance that whatever you did someone did worse, got a bigger hangover, and many more regrets than you ever had.

We Will Return!

Salient Reporter.