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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 20, No. 12. August 15, 1957

Men's Basketball

Men's Basketball

This year the men's indoor basketball team intends to be N.Z.U. champion. Canterbury have four provincial representatives. Auckland and Otago three each, and Victoria have two. However, this ponderous opposition will not deter Victoria in its efforts to gain supremacy. At last Tournament. V.U.C., possessing only one representative player, came a close second to Canterbury.

The Tournament team consists of all the seven A grade players and one B team member. The team is captained by Wellington representative star player N. Dawkins, who is equally at home in any position on the court. D. Johnston. G. Aitken and K. Stevenson comprise the remainder of last year's strong team. The "terrible twins." Johnston and Aitken, are renowned for their devastating fast breaks, which have made many a team back-pedal. If Stevenson can agairr use his height effectively at Tournament, he will be a great asset to the team. A valuable acquisition from Auckland is P. Reid, from last year's A.U.C. team. His knowledge of Auckland tactics will prove invaluable in Victoria's success. His brother, T. Reid, is a young, highly promising player promoted from the B team for this Tournament. R. Martyn and D. Edwards have behind them much basketball experience. A member of last year's Nelson rep. team (they are South Island champions). Martyn has proved a great asset to both V.U.C. and the Wellington reps.

This smooth functioning team will uphold the true traditions of V.U.C. basketball.
