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Salient. The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 20, No. 7. August 9, 1956

N.Z. unrepresented at student press conference

N.Z. unrepresented at student press conference

Owing to difficulty experienced in obtaining advance information concerning the Sixth International Student Press Conference, New Zealand was not represented when the conference was held in Tunis in the last week of July.

It was hoped that funds would be made available by an American foundation for Mr. Nick Turner, editor of Salient, to travel to Tunis as NZU Press Council and NZUSA delegate. A few days before the conference was due to commence, Mr. Turner had still received little information on the conference, and no application forms; a director of the American foundation told Mr. Turner by telephone from New York that the board of directors was unable to allocate funds on the basis of the then available information.

The matter will be discussed by both NZUSA and NZUSPC at Christchurch next week. It is considered likely that a letter will be sent to the conference organizers expressing concern at the lack of Information made available in time for arrangements to be made for this country to be represented; a more general letter, suggesting that the organizers of future conferences be asked to bear this matter in mind [unclear: may] be sent to COSEC, under whose auspices most such conferences are conducted.