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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 18, No. 1. March 3, 1954


Not infrequently, first-year university students find themselves worrying over their financial situation and their progress in classes. Therefore we have though it prudent to set out briefly some of the more important factors which, if borne in mind and acted upon, will save considerable disappointment and will enable the student to get the best out of himself and the conditions under which he has to study.

"Life is an adventure in experience, and when you are no longer greedy for the last drop of it, it means no more than that you have set your face, whether you know it or not, to the day when you shall depart without a backward look. Those who look backwards longingly to the end die young, at whatever age."

[unclear: Necessity] of a Well-Planned Programme.—As soon (is possible develop a tentative programme of study. This programme should be based upon the following factors: acquaintance with the main elements of many subjects: analysis of the vocational mid practical value of the various subjects; consultations with friends and teachers whose judgment you respect (the Liaison Officer at the College, Mr. Ralph Hogg, can offer considerable help in the selection of a course of study); consideration of your ability as expressed in other examinations; analysis of proper balance of emphasis among your various different types of activities, e.g., student associations, recreation, rest.

Revise this schedule regularly in order that you may obtain the maximum benefit from it.

Use Available Resources.—The Library is for your use. Use it often. Also make use of special discussions, by attending these you will further your knowledge and appreciation of the various subjects of your course. Attend tutorials. Ask questions about anything that you are not too sure about.

Arrangement of Proper Conditions for Studying.—Take care of your eyes and health: use common sense. To increase the likelihood of success, criticise the conditions under which you study, and use the most hygenic, economical and efficient metheds available.

Be Optimistic.—Do not worry unduly about examinations. Education la not the pocketing of eight or nine units of subject-matter. It is growth in appreciation, Understanding, wisdom, and character, more than it is anything else. Just do your beat, and make the best of it. Accept difficulties as challenges.

You must not only prepare to earn a living, you must also begin to live a life. Life does not start when you graduate. Graduation is a part of life. Enjoy life, make friends, enjoy learning. Get the best cultural background you can, bearing in mind, however, that occupational studies may go far toward extending your cultural horizon.

If you choose the type of work you like best, you will be happier and more efficient than you would be if restricted to less interesting work.