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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 20. October 8, 1953

Dr. Currie

Dr. Currie

Dr. Currie is a Scotsman and a graduate of the University of Aberdeen. He gained honours in Pure Science and was also a prizeman in agricultural science. In 1936 he gained his D.Sc. and was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Law in 1949.

He came to Australia in 1923 and was appointed on officer of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in Canberra. In 1940 he was Vice-Chancellor of the University of Western Australia and chairman of the Australian Universities Vice-Chancellors Committee.

Dr. Currie has a forceful and direct style of speaking, which never falls to impress his audience. He is always sincere and the faintest ghost of a Scotch accent is to be heard in his speech. He has been described as a "refreshing and invigorating influence on the New Zealand Universities. Though he is a scientist he defends the classics as an aid to the mind. He has succeeded in establishing good public relations and indeed is a man of wisdom, wit and charm."

Dr. Currie

Dr. Currie

New provisions of the Medical Act of 1950 came into force with the beginning of this year, according to which the training of doctors will last a year longer.