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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 19. September 17, 1953

Aid for the Needy

Aid for the Needy

Sir.—We have heard with alarm of the foundation in our midst of the Bachelors' Club and the Spinsters' Club. We are also surprised that a function such as their inaugural ball, which brought the two clubs temporarily together, while their aim is to remain separate, should be such a success. We can only conclude that the clubs apart do not find favour with their members.

We are appalled at the thought of what such segregation may mean to the future population of New Zealand and the morale of the V.U.C. students generally. Psychology students assure us that this may result in repressions, feelings of rejection, and frustration.

We have therefore decided to counteract these dangerous tendencies by instituting a Marriage Bureau. We are sure that this will meet with the approval of the majority of students and staff. Any person interested please write to "Marriage Bureau Staff." via the letter rack in cither common room. All correspondence treated as confidential.

The Administrative Staff. V.U.C.M.B.