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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 12. July 1, 1953

A Correction

A Correction

Dear sir,—The last line—"She was too" in the last paragraph of last week's "Caf-Chaff" should read in the active present—"She is too!"

For a better statement on this subject see Chapter IX in "Ronsard" by D. R. Wyndham Lewis (V.U.C. Library ).

Un Tres Petit Jongeur

A report of the council of Nottingham University shows that the number of students had grown from 1423 in 1946-7 to 2056 in 1052. This expansion has created difficulties in buildings originally intended to accommodate the 500 or so students just before the war, and it has been decided that for some years to come the number of undergraduates must be stabilised at 2000. (The Manchester Guardian).