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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 12. July 1, 1953

Did He See a Bullfight?

Did He See a Bullfight?

Describing the bullfight that he had witnessed, he remarked that it was "an inspiring and dramatic spectacle." while not forgetting that it was a cruel sport. To get to the show, it was necessary to have some tickets, and these had all been sold—a fair quantity to black marketeers The tickets normally cost 15/-: Dr. Lynch's guide (an American) procured two for only 30/- each. Asked whether he had had much difficulty getting them, the guide replied. "No; they even had a deputation waiting for me." Other sidelights at the arena included a casualty station with a surgeon in attendance and bottles of typed blood plasma waiting for the fighters. They were typed before they entered the ring.

There was some discussion (private as to whether a cuspidor was in the same class as an espador, toreador and matador. The espadors delight in describing their wounds in centimetres.

In conclusion, Mr. Galvin thanked the speaker for his interesting and informative talk, and the audience Joined with him in their appreciation.

Brian C. Shaw