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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 9. July 26, 1951

Corporation Control

Corporation Control

"For you know that the corporations of America which control our newspapers and radio (as well as our politicians, a large majority of our judges, our State legislators, Congressmen, governors, mayors, police, chambers of commerce, banks, ministers and small loan-controlled merchants), are now planning to stage this fake demonstration of yours with the hope of either frightening or fooling the genuinely libertyless masses into imagining that there many be somewhere in America at least a percentage of the people who can say what they think and read what they would like to read without job or financial loss. . . .

"Try, if you choose, to get some favourable mention, or any mention of any Innocent labour objective in the 'N.Y. Times' or Tribune,' any Philadelphia paper, any Pittsburgh or Chicago or Kansas City or Loo Angeles or San Francisco or Portland or Seattle paper. I have tried. The corporation lice are of one mind and one pocket book, and liberty of the Press means to them liberty to praise the works and schemes of our American and international corporations. . . .

"If Americans know how far we have already gone toward abolishing our democracy they would rise in anger now in defence of their most precious possession. But millions don't know, because the only sources of information they have deliberately kept them from knowing. . . .

"Actually, if this were a really liberty-protected country—one not ruled by a greedy band of profiteers, you and your paper might well be charged with fraud in this instance, and, if you ventured to take a court oath in behalf of your innocence, convicted of perjury.

"Very truly,

"Theodore Dreiser."