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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 13, No. 10. June 1st, 1950

Where are The Playing Fields of Victoria?

page 4

Where are The Playing Fields of Victoria?

At Long last VUCSA's favourite vision, the new Student Union Building seems to be nearing its consummation. This should mean that the college with be supplied with reasonable facilities for indoor sports Including gastronomies.

But what provision is being made for the other sports particularly outdoor? For generations VUC clubs, football, hockey, soccer, and athletics have been handicapped by a lack of a field preferably with flood lighting, for practice and match play.

The obvious move is for the College Council to investigate the possibility of acquiring Kelburn Park and the adjoining sports area for a purely V.U.C. sports preserve.

Naturally such a suggestion would meet with protest from established sports bodies to whit—croquet and bowls However, with the co-operation of the College Council and City Authorities it is possible that alternative land may be available for them.

Now the decision has been made to forgo the suggested rebuilding of the College on another site the need for permanent playing areas in the immediate vicinity of Kelburn is urgent.

Salient feels that preliminary discussions on this problem could well be tackled now and the impetus should come from VUCSA.

How about it Exec!
