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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 11, No. 10, August 18th, 1948

Conscription For What?

Conscription For What?

"The present scheme for 14 weeks' training for 18-year-olds is the thin end." said Mr. Bernard.

Then Mr. Bell, delightfully informal, referred to the delusion that the only way to prepare for peace was to arm for its opposite. Conscription was the contrary to the spirit of internationalism, which is our only hope. He ridiculed the idea of an army of 18-year-olds "defending the shores of Taranaki against American invaders."

Mr. Edwards raised three important points. Firstly a conscript army under a form of society has been, and could again be used, for beating up striking workers. Secondly the twelve-week period would be inadequate for the technical training necessary for modern warfare anyway, and thirdly the loss of income incurred by full-time students, should they (as they probably would) be in camp over the long vacation, would be fatal to their university careers.