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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 10. July 16, 1947


A clothes drive for Yugoslavia is being conducted this term by the Socialist Club. Gwenda Martin and several assistants are knitting old wool into warm jerseys, and while the work is progressing well, more wool and more assistants could be used.

The main feature of the drive is a Film and Concert evening in the Gym. on Friday, July 25. Two films will be shown, one of which is "The Bridge," a now famous documentary of partisan activity during the occupation. Admission, will be a bundle of clothes for Yugoslavia. Those unable to attend may leave parcels in "Salient" Room, addressed "Yugoslavia." The clothes collected will be sent direct, on a Yugoslav ship which is calling at Wellington in about two months time.

The campaign is sponsored by the local WFDY committee, which consists of representatives of all Wellington organisations which are affiliated to WFDY, of which VUCSA is one. Other WFDY news items appear below.

UNESCO will participate in the World Youth Festival, according to a letter received from Dr. Julian Huxley. Exhibits are being sent to Prague dealing with UNESCO itself and with their work on educational and scientific reconstruction; an information desk with literature on UNESCO's tasks will be set up and two lecturers will go to the Festival to speak on specific aspects of UNESCO's work.

During the Festival special services will be read in four of the ancient churches of Prague. Communal services and masses will be held for Festival participants of different religious denominations.