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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 10. July 16, 1947

Biologists Active

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Biologists Active

Brains Trust.—Never before has such a selection of brains from VUC Staff been submitted to questions from students. Biology 1 room was packed on June 23, and this large gathering was not disappointed in either the wit nor the knowledge shown by the Trust.

Points of interest arising: Mr. Munro would rather die of an atomic bomb than of starvation. Dr. Newman managed to see plenty of girls when he was at school, especially in the weekends.

The Trust almost came to the conclusion that slumps are a good thing. Mr. Munro: "They could be made permanent."

Q.M. (Prof. Gordon): "Is there any likelihood of a Tennyson revival?" Mr. Munro: "How the devil should I know?" When put to the meeting it was decided to have a Tennyson revival.

Interesting questions were: "What happens to the pearl when the oyster dies?" "Do you think a football coach should have two wheels or four?"

Sunday Trip.—Dr. Fell led 30 biologists and geologists to Red Rocks on the 22nd.—a great success from all points of view.

Taranta Trip.—Twelve biologists spent a profitable weekend at Field Hut from July 4-6. Much botany was learnt and interest in botany, tramping cooking and skiing stimulated. Wallaccville.—Thirty-odd biologists visited the animal research station on Wednesday the 9th.

Day Trip to Butterfly Creak.—Mr. Barker is leading a trip to this handy bit of bush on Sunday, July 20. All students interested, in botany are welcome. Bus leaves Hotel Cecil at 9 a.m.