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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 10. July 16, 1947

Reviewer Slated

Reviewer Slated

Dear Sir,—

In your last issue you published a book review under the title "The Hollow Men." By now, we are again becoming accustomed to seeing articles of Communistic slant in "Salient." I have no objection to your publishing reviews' of such books as this; I have personal objections to them being reviewed from a Communist point of view in this "Organ of Student Opinion." I object mainly though to biassed, uncritical reviews as is "Sigma's" article.

The reviewer obviously has an axe to grind; as he says, "Other philosophies could not explain or show a way out of the great crash, but Marxism did." The whole article is in similar vein, dogmatic assertions and sweeping statements being made to complement quotations from the book. This is not fair and unbiassed criticism, or for that matter even criticism. It is merely an excuse to air Marxist philosophy in pseudo-Marxist terms.

I regret having to write this letter; I feel it should be addressed not to "Salient," but to the "People's Voice."
