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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 9. July, 24, 1946

Eight Women in Hockey Rep. Trials

Eight Women in Hockey Rep. Trials

Eight representatives were chosen to play in representative trials: D. Holden (goal), G. Rowlands, B. Altken. J. Saselberg (halves), M. Ross, G. Simmers. B. Morris, T. Marwick (forwards). The two Senior B teams are playing teams from Canterbury this week in Christchurch. Congratulations to the Senior B (1) team on their victory over PTOG. Both these VUC teams are improving steadily and should do well for the remainder of the season.

Senior A v. COG (2).—Playing excellent hockey Varsity held the advantage over the COG team and deserved their first win of the season. The half line are to be congratulated on their play, especially Joy Jewett, whose play throughout the season has been very sound. The forwards played with dash. Nancy Fyfe and Mary Seddon giving good exhibitions of wing play. Colleen Murphy in the goal has made some excellent "saves' but should not run out indiscriminately.

July 13: Varsity 4, TOG 3. The result of this game was certainly a surprise in hockey circles. The game was very even throughout and the whole Varsity team is to be congratulated on its play. The full backs played soundly and their clearing shots showed great improvement. Frances Fyfe, left half is tackling well, and her play is improving every same. Margaret Ross, playing her first game as left inner for this team, gave a sparkling display.

Juniors.—The Juniors played good hockey in their match against Training College. The score should have been better than one all, but the forwards often failed to follow up shots at goal. However, they are showing better combination and Maureen Watson, right wing, was able to make several profitable breakaways.