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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 4 April 17, 1946

Will Victoria Lose Wooden Spoon?

Will Victoria Lose Wooden Spoon?

In a matter of hours now, our representatives in the various Easter Tournament sports will be sailing for Christchurch to uphold the good name of Victoria, and we wish them success. Our chances are about the same as usual, but hopes for a very good time are held by all.

Easter Tournament is considerably more than a coming together in combat of sporting giants from the various Colleges. We do not compete "for the sake of a ribboned coat" nor yet entirely for "honour and glory"; in fact, it would be difficult to find any student, out of the hundreds who will be present, for whom this is the main aspect. Tournament is for each exactly what he likes to make it himself, and will be remembered by different students for widely diverse highlights.

We trust that the boomerang will not return again to VUC. In other words, perhaps we have been a little greedy in keeping the ornate Wooden Spoon, which we ourselves presented, in our own glass case for so long, and we hope to let someone else have this "thing of beauty" for a while.

This year the main interest centres round the inclusion of women in the Tournament team. Last year the Tournament delegates decided to start the women's athletics, and after much discussion, this year women's events are definitely going to be included in Tournament. Because of lack of training we cannot expect a very high standard from the girls, but Mary Shouler should do well in the sprint and Julie Flett has been devoting a lot of time to hurdling, so we wish them all the best for Christchurch.

The athletic team this year might well be the smallest ever sent from Victoria. In the sprints Tony Munden, John Goldfinch and Trevor Benjamin are in good form and one of them should collect a 440 yards title. In the longer distances Clem Hawke and Munro from Massey are expected to do their best against some stiff competition.