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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 4 April 17, 1946

"Mr. Bolfrey" Goes to Town

"Mr. Bolfrey" Goes to Town

The success of Mr. Bolfry at 'Varsity inspired the Exec. to finance the production of the play in the Concert Chamber for two nights. In spite of the short notice, and the resulting clash with "Our Glad," and the 2YA Concert Party, the hall was nearly filled both nights with appreciative audiences.

There were some unfortunate incidents. The pace on the first night was slackened by the failure of the explosion and the curtain. After the cast had frozen for what seemed like an eternity waiting for the curtain to fall, Bruce Mason, with great presence of mind, leered at the Minister's wife, "let us retire!" and off they trooped.

Although the Executive sustained a loss of £30 they feel that the experience gained, the publicity achieved in the city, and the excellent reviews made the venture well worth while. The one regrettable feature was the lack of student support, but that is an old, sad tale.

Little hope is entertained of there being an official and separate VUC Haka Party sent to Tournament this year. The reasons given by Tournament delegates for this unfortunate situation are, firstly, that the billeting facilities in Christchurch, as ever, cannot stand the strain of non-competing representatives; secondly, that there are not sufficient berths available to carry a Haka Party to Christchurch.

However, the time-honoured hakas will not be lacking on the playing fields this Easter. Interested reps. of other teams will practise up their hakas and present them at Canta.

The whole question of the status of official Haka Parties will be discussed at NZUTC Conference.