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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 4 April 17, 1946

Meeting of VUC Ex-Servicemen

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Meeting of VUC Ex-Servicemen

About fifty ex-servicemen gathered in the Gym. on Monday evening to adopt the constitution of the "VUC Ex-Servicemen's Society" as drawn up by the interim committee, to elect a permanent committee, and to discuss the future activities of the Society,

A most efficient piece of work by Secretary Dowrick was responsible for all present having a copy of the Society's constitution to read and digest. After this fine piece of legal drafting had been formally adopted the following committee was elected for the year:—
  • Chairman: Mr. Higgin.
  • Secretary: Mr. Dowrick.
  • Committee: Messrs. Taylor, Falconer, Murray, Collins, Simmonds and Miss Myers.

Mr. Higgin then gave a brief resume of matters in which the interim committee had considered the Society might take an interest. These were as follows: (1) Accommodation, including the question of transit housing for students. (2) February Exams. (3) Servicemen's concessions from the Accountants' Society. (4) Representations to the Law Society concerning the employment of women in law offices at low rates of pay while law clerks roam the streets. (5) A more helpful attitude on the part of some of the Rehabilitation District Office employees. (6) Extension of Rehab. Bursaries. (7) Psychological advice for ex-servicemen with personal problems. (8) An approach to College Council with a request for a more enlightened approach to the question of alcohol on College premises. (9) The tobacco situation as far as Rehab. men are concerned. (10) The question of social functions. A speaker from the floor suggested that an attempt should be made to raise the book grant to £10.

Finally, after some discussion, the following motion was passed with one dissentient: "While declaring that the Society is in favour of the principle of preference for ex-servicemen in all employment and appointments in the College, we affirm that there should be no discrimination against persons who refused military service on conscientious grounds."