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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 8, No. 12. September 19, 1945

NZU Cross Country Title Won Easily By Youthful OU Team

NZU Cross Country Title Won Easily By Youthful OU Team

The course for the NZ University Championship was the same as that used for the National Title. It was a gruelling course of six miles and a quarter. The young team representing Otago University put up an excellent performance, B. G. Stanley winning the individual championship, while his team also secured the Dixon Trophy for the New Zealand teams race, and the Carmalt Jones Cup, for the South Island teams race, both by substantial margins. Victoria College won the Shackleford Cup for the North Island teams race.

Otago runners were at the head of the field shortly after the start of the race, and a small group. Stanley, Hunt. Hawke, Fraser, Williams and Lang maintained the lead until half the distance was covered. Passing the stand Tor the second time B. G. Stanley and It. Hunt were in front, with ahout 20 yards between them. These Otago men wore followed bv Hawke (VUC) about 30 yards behind, followed by P. Fraser (the Auckland captain), R. W. E. Taylor (Canterbury captain). O. Williams (Massey) and A. Klrkwood (captain of Otago). As they climbed the hill Hawke replaced Hunt and Fiddes of Massey came up from a long way back. This order was maintained until reaching the track for the run home, where Stanley had opened up a commanding lead from Hawke. Stanley went on to win by 100 yards from the Victoria College runner, who came home 75 yards ahead or Hunt. Then there was a gap of about 200 yards to Fraser, who led Klrkwood and Fiddes by 50 yards. The time, 38 min. 45 sec., was a minute and a half slower than the national title race.

Victoria University team came home in the first 19 runners, their order being as follows:—Hawke, 2; Laing, 7; Holden, 10; Daniell, 13; Collier, 14; O'Connor, 19.

Trophy points and results were as follows:—
  • Dixon Trophy (N.Z. Teams' Race) : Otago. 18 points. 1; Victoria. 31 points. 2; Massey, 53 points, 3.
  • Carmalt Jones Cup (South Island Teams' Race): Otago, 15 points, 1; Canterbury, 40 points, 2.
  • Shackleford Cup (North Island Teams' Race): Victoria, 28 points, 1; Massey, 43 points, 2.