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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 8, No. 2. March, 14, 1945



With the probability of an Easter Tournament there arises the possibility of a certain amount of criticism of the method of selection of the representatives; consequently the committee feels that an idea of the standard required from anyone desirous of consideration as a tournament representative should at this juncture be made clear for the benefit of new members, who, next year, may have the honour of playing for the College. Above all, the selection committee demands excellent sportsmanship, which means more than being a good loser; it means loyalty to the club during any lean times which may arise; it means putting the College Club before one's personal gains—there are players in the VUC Club who have worked to treble the membership during the past four years when there have been no tournaments to assist them in their task of recruiting. Secondly, the committee has kept a sharp watch for likely talent and if there are any players who feel that they have been overlooked it is because, during the past three seasons, they have not shown sufficient keenness to play at the club on Saturdays. At the same time, the fact that students are away from Wellington for the greater part of the season is taken into consideration.
