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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 8, No. 2. March, 14, 1945


"The Barrier is Broken," announces streamlined English paper, "Student News," "and British and European students now have direct communications." Fairly effervescing with exultation, a recent copy of this paper reports on student incidents in Belgium, France, China, and many other countries. We reprint extracts of interest from some of these columns.

"The biggest difference from the point of view of the National Union of Students is that suddenly, instead of a great wall separating us from Europe, we have postal communications and free universities sending us news. We have contact with the French and the Belgians, we have laid the basis for contact with the Dutch and we are hoping to do the same thing soon with the Norwegians."

A copy has just been received in Britain of the first legal paper of the students of Ghent, Belgium. The paper, which has been appearing illegally since 1942, is called "Klokke Roeland," the name of Ghent's greatest bell, rung in national emergencies.