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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 7, No. 10 October 4, 1944

On College Clubs

On College Clubs

In view of the fact that Spike traditionally represents the annual record of the college clubs, the failure to include a record of the sports clubs is to be deplored, and the inadequate "write-up" of the and the inadequate "write-up" of the cultural clubs disappointing. On looking at the far less beautifully printed but more lively and comprehensive notes of bygone years I cannot but sigh for the past.

I would not say that the writing in this year's Spike is inferior, certainly both the verse and prose is on the whole smooth and well constructed; in the main it is well informed and indeed, often erudite. But frankly I not only deplore (with Dn Beaglehole) the "broken doll" but also the fact that for Mr. Hayman—"England was Fifi" and although, like Dr. Beaglehole, I have read the winning poem "Invasion" seven times, I cannot presume with him to understand it.

In conclusion let me say this—I am grateful for the privilege of reviewing Spike and if my criticism seems unduly harsh it is, perhaps, that I feel that Victoria could do better.
