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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 7, No. 10 October 4, 1944



The Cricket Club set out on its annual pilgrimage early this month. The annual meeting was productive of a good deal of amusement, some unorthodox procedure, one or two awkward moments, and rather more hope for the future than has been held out by previous meetings. Mr. Carrad made no race of it for club captain, with Orm Creed as his deputy. Secretary is Ken Bruce and treasurer Don Brian. Committee—a mixed crew; older hands to give the club that standing in the Association which is so desirable, and younger men to keep the club moving. T.C. is solidly represented in Council and hopes to field at least two teams. It is perhaps to be regretted that now Saturday cricket is solidly established in T.C., a closer union cannot be cemented. It was hoped in some quarters that the club would be able to follow the example of the hockey, table tennis and harrier clubs and make itself a "by and for students' club," but it didn't happen that way. Nevertheless, Don Beard was on the right line when he proposed to comb the College for cricketers and give the club some social interest in addition to its more serious business.

Mr. J. C. Reid of the Association explained to the meeting the plan for resurrecting Wellington Representative Cricket. The meeting was not impressed and gave the corpse little chance until practice wickets were improved or clubs put their houses in order.

High-light: A donnybrook between Messrs. Moore and Hall over last football season. Henry ran out an easy winner on points.