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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 7, No. 6. July 12, 1944



Remembering their previous year's faux pas (fox pass to you) harriers plotted and ran quite a short course from Island Bay on June 24th. They were amply rewarded for their restraint by the afternoon tea which, awaited them at the Shorlands', who we thank for their long friendship to the club. A round of speech-making was started by Mr. R. M. Daniell, Vice-Captain (not to be confused with Vice-Captain Dick Daniell slated in the last issue) and concluded with the presentation (by V.C. R.M.D.) of a fine toffee apple to Mr. Sherwood for the best story of the week, unfortunately un-reproducable (but see V.C. R.M.D.).

The club's turnout was as unexpectedly large for the Dome Cup on July 1st The weather was so cold that had any brass monkeys turned out they also would have been compelled to run to prevent their teeth from chattering. On the points counted for the first ten men, we were judged second once again to Scottish. We also must make note of (1) a saboteur, Wolfgang Rosenberg, who ran in a singlet on June 24th but convinced of our weakness led an Air Force deputation from the Delta in the Dome, and (2) of the ill-luck of the leaders, including McDowall and Geddes, in losing the trail about one mile from home. Had it not been for this mishap Varsity certainly would have been represented in the first four men home. As it was, honours of the day went to a Hutt man not so much for his running as for his local knowledge of the peculiarities of a poorly marked trail.