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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 7, No. 6. July 12, 1944


The Annual Meeting of the V.U.C. Students' Association was poorly attended (barely a quorum), but spirited. Argument centred mainly about the vexed question of students playing in outside clubs and yet qualifying for Blues. Exec election results had been a well-preserved secret; the official announcement was tense.

For a vivacious and witty two-hour clash of intellects the 1944 Annual General Meeting of the Students' Association could have few rivals. To the megalomaniacs of formality who would revel in constitutional jargon the meeting may have been a paradise, but to the students present it was something far more serious. The annual meeting is perhaps their only chance during the year of voicing their grievances and of removing any irritating commitments that might be impeding the efficient activities of their various clubs. And it was with this in mind that the political surgeons of the College unsheathed their scalpels and commenced operations on the College constitution.

Presiding over some seventy members was the president of the retiring executive, Mr. Creed. He was a capable chairman and took an active part in the business.