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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 13 June 29, 1938

Unique Debating Record

Unique Debating Record.

Since 1930 LeMoyne College has established a unique record in intersectional and inter-racial debating. In 1931 it met Shurtleff College in what is believed to be the first instance of inter-racial inter-collegiate debate in Southern States. In 1935 LeMoyne was the only Negro College to participate in a national debate tournament. The following year LeMoyne Debaters went to California, meeting fifteen colleges, including the University of California and Standford. Later in the same year a team from Oxford University visited LeMoyne and engaged in a debate which was attended by about 800 people of both races. In the spring of 1937 the Eastern States were visitied, and twenty-four debates were held. Out of eight decision debates five were won by LeMoyne.