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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 7 April 27, 1938


Before the matches commenced the V.U.C. girls confessed themselves very wobbly at the knees, but from the exhibition of basketball they gave we gathered that this wobbliness was transformed into a vigorous springiness which stood them in very good stead, so that they lifted the trophy again. Four members of the team (Ros. Drummond, Joy Osborn, Nora McLaren and Marie Walker) gained New Zealand University Blues.

The tumult from supporters (mainly the Haka Party, whose encouragement played a large part in the victory) was tremendous and became even more so as the tally of V.U.C. goals rose higher and higher.

The C.U.C. and O.U. teams were outclassed by Auckland and Victoria, although Otago gave Victoria a good run for their money, and the general standard of all games was very high, in the Otagao v. Canterbury game, Otago was giving a more impressive display at the start—showing good speed and combination. Canterbury's play was very uncertain—a lot of nervous fumbling. However, they showed themselves keen fighters and the final score was 11-10 with the victory to Canterbury.