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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 5 April 6, 1938



Executive Wheels Revolve

They grind exceeding slow and they grind exceeding small. Being a cog in the executive machinery must be very wearing. Through a welter of motions and amendments with little and unenthusiastic discussion on any of the items, but occasional bursts of "efficiency" from the effervescent member. "Salient" watched a line of ticks creep down an imposing agenda list.

One cannot blame the mill hands for being apathetic about their grist. However. If the scheme of hiring a now hand who will be a young and efficient secretary-treasurer with a salary, goes into effect ultimately much of the grittier grist will be sifted out and being an executive member will perhaps be less like being an office orderly.

Grit in the Works.

Picking over the scattered gems "Salient" discovered that the piano has been tuned for eighteenpence, that A. H. Scotney did win the Plunket Medal, that Professor Hunter is to be congratulated on being made Head Boy, that B.Com. Hoods are available far a deposit of 25/-, 20 of which will be returned on receipt back of the hood and that Susie Sanders is again to be the wardrobe mistress. Such is the scope and extent of Executive business!

The report of the corresponding member showed that the N.Z.U.S.A. were full of organised efficiency and enthusiasm and they had things to be enthusiastic about. Getting concessions overseas in travelling and living facilities for students, making the Director of Broadcasting state his ideas on Radio debates, and compiling exhaustive reports on insurance schemes, debating itineraries and what nots is all within their powers and they do It thoroughly.

Polite Personalities.

Several Items of personal interes! were revealed. That Charlie Plank is recovering from his accident and sends best wishes for the teams at Easter Tournament will be good news to his friends, that Margaret Johnson is to be tills year's editor of "Spike" is welcome news too and "Salient" would like to have heard the bit about the Tournament Delegates but it was politely asked to leave the room.

Sporting people will be relieved to know that in its slow grindings, the mill ruminates on sports now and again. University Golf teams are a new enterprise and deserve the support of all those who are keen on the game. As yet it is only a tentative plan but enthusiasm could carry It far. When overseas Colleges can run tournaments why should New Zealand lag behind?

Perhaps the sports section which it is hoped to add to the Library will give impetus—and information.

The question of the safety of the gymnasium is becoming so serious that even nature adds her voice to the clamor. During the discussion on this point the wind howled and the stairs creaked, windows rattled and the roof leaked.

But the wheels grind slowly—E.M.B.