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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 2. March 16, 1938

N. Z. U. S. A. — A Statement

N. Z. U. S. A.

A Statement

Association Headquarters are in Norwich Chambers, 153-155 Featherston Street. Wellington. [unclear: CA].

The Executive has under consideration the following:—
(a)Negro Debating Tour of New Zealand in 1938.
(b)Australian Athletic Tour of New Zealand in 1938-39.
(c)Scheme for insurance of students' health and also of their books, personal effects and instruments.
(d)Scheme for cheaper sale of text
(e)A general investigation into employment of graduates and under-graduates.
(f)The question of reductions for students in fares, freights, etc., on New Zealand railways.
(g)standardisation of the fees charged by the N.Z.U. for degrees.
Two ways in which students can get more than their money's worth out of N.Z.U.S.A. are:—
(1)By demanding information (by personal interview, 'phone, letter or telegram) from our information Bureau, which is qualifled to save you advice on any phase of N.Z.U. life or even overseas information. If we haven't got it on tap then we will promptly get it for you. We have our secret sources.
(2)By obtaining from us before you go overseas a C.I.E. Identity Card, which entitles you to whatever con cessions in fares, hotel tariffs, etc., are going for students in other countries.

The N.Z.U.S.A. exists solely for the benefit of students, and will only go out of existence for two reasons. Firstly, it will close down if it finds that there is nothing it can do to further students' interests.

Secondly, the Association will go out existence if students don't support it. If we fail for this reason it won't be our fault.

Authorities on N.Z.U.S.A. at V.U.C. are Helen Maysmor, Simpson, Christensen or Agar. Consult them for further information.