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Nineteenth Century New Zealand Artists: A Guide & Handbook

TEMPLE, Capt. Edwyn Frederick 1835–1921

page 233

TEMPLE, Capt. Edwyn Frederick 1835–1921

Son of Col. John Temple of Hants, England; received commission in 58th Regt and saw service in India and Crimea. Resigned from army 1870 and came to New Zealand 1879. Settled at first in Christ-church and was for two years secretary to the newly formed CSA though by 1881 at the time of the first exhibition he was farming at Castlewood near Geraldine. Listed as Geraldine artist 1896–1900 Wise's. Exhibited CSA 1881–93 oils, watercolours, and black and white drawings. Exhibited: NZ Industrial Ex Wtn 1885; NZ and South Seas Ex Dunedin 1889–90. Work included in Canterbury Retrospective 1951. Represented: Turnbull, McDougall, Hocken.