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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1905.

Nos. 46, 47, and 48, 1905.—Petitions of Te Hurinui Apanui and 199 Others, Paora te Pakihi and 78 Others, and Matutaera Hatua and 100 Others

Nos. 46, 47, and 48, 1905.—Petitions of Te Hurinui Apanui and 199 Others, Paora te Pakihi and 78 Others, and Matutaera Hatua and 100 Others.

Petitioners protest against the Native Land Rating Act, and pray that its provisions may not apply to their lands.

I am directed to report that, as these petitions refer to a question of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make.

28th July, 1905.