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Home and Building, Volume 37 Number 6 (1975)

Concrete Company to Launch Paint Range

Concrete Company to Launch Paint Range

A member of the Stresscrete Group of Associated Companies, Allied Products (Stresscrete) Ltd is all set to launch a range of latex paint finishes for both concrete and timber surfaces.

To be initially marketed at trade level under the name of 'Deponex Tradesmen', the decision to diversify into paint manufacturing stemmed from the company's interest in making available lower cost finishes which still maintained high degrees of performance.

Originally established in 1973 to manufacture and supply components and equipment for post tensioning, Allied Products (Stresscrete) Ltd had virtually become the laboratory or testing arm for development within the Stresscrete Group

Their next move will be to market a polyurethane and special formula paint for concrete. Looking further into the future, the company's plans call for a broadening of the paint product range to cater for all finishing stages of construction work, domestic through to industrial.