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Home and Building, Volume 18 Number 1 (June 1955)

Warm Air Heating:

Warm Air Heating:

With this system of heating, the warm air is distributed through the building with a sheet metal ducting system and the air is delivered into the room through neat grilles or diffusers. Usually a portion of this air is returned to the heating plant and is filtered and re-circulated Where air conditioning is called for the warm air system is usually incorporated and the air is cleaned by filtration, heated or cooled as required, and moisture is added so that a constant set of conditions is maintained in the building. This of course provides the best possible conditions for comfort and human respiration. Air conditioning is of course a very expensive installation as so much equipment is required to condition the air before it is distributed.

There are several methods of providing warm air heating for domestic pur* poses without putting in a very extensive plant as described above, but these only provide the heating side of the business. The automatically oil fired furnaces are available for mounting under the floor or basement with one outlet into the house and a number of installations of this type are being made in N.Z. today.