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Temperance and Prohibition in New Zealand

(9) Seventh-Day Adventists

(9) Seventh-Day Adventists

Absolute Prohibition of the sale and manufacture of alcoholic beverages is warmly supported by the Seventh-Day Adventists denomination, whose total church membership, now numbering over 300,000, are all total abstainers, total abstinence from alcoholic beverages being one of the tests of fellowship for all those who seek admission to a Seventh-Day Adventist Church. The entire denomination stands for the total abolition of the drink trade throughout the world. With the constant growth of their adherents, comes greater ability to swing more solidly their influence, determinedly militant, against the subtle forces of the drink trade. Seventh-Day Adventists stand ready to help the just and righteous cause for which Prohibition stands, and to promote the noble aims to which it aspires.

The principles of temperance are taught and fostered in all their churches, colleges and schools. Thoroughness in their teachings to abstain from the use of all things harmful and injurious to the body, and the belief that to injure the body knowingly constitutes a sin against the ‘Temple of page 173 the Holy Spirit,’ places then on vantage ground in the right against the blighting curse which the use of alcoholic drinks has brought upon the world.

Interest in the cause for which Prohibition stands, has ever been keen amongst Seventh-Day Adventists, but owing to their entire constituency being total abstainers, there has never been any need for any special efforts to be made among their own church members in order to win them from the power of drink.

Knowing from actual experience the benefits derived from total abstinence, Seventh-Day Adventists have always been most willing to assist in the unequal struggle against the drink, and to engage in any campaign undertaken wherever it lay in their power to do so.