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Contributions to the Early History of New Zealand




1.—Rev. W. Wright called to Columbia Church, Oamaru.

4.—Installation of Dean and Chapter, St. Paul's Cathedral.

6.—First service in St. Paul's Cathedral.

13.—Arrival of Rev. I. Richards to be Warden of Selwyn College, vice Rev. Fallowes.

15.—Conference of Municipal Delegates select Wednesday for weekly half-holiday, in terms of Shop and Shop Assistants Act, 1894.

The unemployed, to the number of 200, wait on Mayor of Dunedin asking for work.

Commencement made with erection of new gaol, also of new Gov. Insurance Buildings, corner of Princes and Rattray Streets.

18.—Dedication of St. Paul's Cathedral.

30.—Rev. J. K. M'Intyre, Hobart, called to North Dunedin Presbyterian Church.

31.—Sir Robert Stout left Dunedin to reside in Wellington.


2.—Cricket Match. Fijians v Otago.


7.—Death of Mr. John Logan, 76 (formerly clerk to Superintendent).

27.—Picnic of Southland pioneers to Mataura.


3.—Poll of City of Dunedin ratepayers to decide question of £600 loan to build public abattoirs. For the proposal, 1108; against, 461.


17.—News of death of Mr. R. H. Leary in London.

22.—Death of Bishop Moran, æt. 72.

City Council fix on site at Burnside for public abattoirs.

30.—Meeting of unemployed; between 200 and 300 present.


4.—Opening of evening classes at South Dunedin.

5.—Soup-kitchen opened at North Dunedin.

6.—Bimetallic League: first half-yearly meeting.

13.—Death of Mr. Edmund Smith, æt. 65 (Factor Church Trustees).

21.—Mrs. Dean found guilty of child murder, and sentenced to death.


1.—First issue of Wyndham Farmer.

8.—Formation of Miners' Association designed to assist unemployed on to the gold fields.

9.—Induction of Rev. W. Hewitson to Knox Church.

19.—Welcome Conversazione to Canon Robinson.


6.—Resignation accepted of Dr. Belcher, ten years Rector of Boys' High School. Appointment of Mr. A. Wilson, M.A.

12.—Execution of Mrs. Dean at Invercargill.


6.—North Dunedin evening classes closed.

13.—Graduation ceremony, Otago University. M.A.: Misses E. J. Anderson, R. Davy, M. Gillaty, K. Macgregor, J. Patterson; Messrs. J. Collie, J. Pringle, C. B. Snow. B.A.: Misses A. Baron, C. Cruickshank, L. Downes, E. Hodgkinson, R. W. M'Kerrow, J. Polson, J. Rutherford; Messrs. W. J. Barclay, W. Grey, G. P. Howell, W. H. Homes, J. G. M'Leod, W. A. M'Leod, A. M'Nab, A. M'Neil, E. Pindar, D. A. Strachan, J. R. Wallace, A. D. Wilkinson. B.Sc.: Messrs. H. Boydell, A. R. Falconer. M.B.B.Ch.: Messrs. J. L. Gregg and M. Campbell.

28.—Death of Mrs. Roebuck, 52 years resident of Port Chalmers.

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8.—First meeting of Dunedin Branch Institute of Accountants.

17.—Second visit to Dunedin of General Booth, founder and leader of Salvation Army.

19.—Dairy Factory opened at Glenham.


6.—Mr. J. F. Perrin, editor of N.Z. Tablet for almost 20 years, resigned to take up similar position in Australia.

Visit of Mark Twain. "At Home" at City Hall.

8.—Special meeting of Colonial Bank Shareholders confirmed sale of business to B.N.Z.

10.—Visit of Mr. Michael Davitt.

18.—Colonial Bank closed. Business transferred to B.N.Z.

19.—Commencement of important law-suit. Southern Frozen Meat Co. v. Nelson Bros. Ended on 22nd. A verdict for £3500 on each of two issues. The claim was for £30,000.

25.—Opening of Waitati Dairy Factory.

27.—Mayoral Election, Dunedin: Wales, 1056; Fish, 705.


5.—Railway opened, Balclutha to Owaka.

20.—Presentation to Mr. Lubecki, officer in charge of Telegraph Department, on his retirement after 30 years' service. Successor, Mr. J. G Ballard.

Presentation to Mr. Justice Williams of photograph of himself by legal profession.

22.—Opening of Church of Our Saviour (Anglican) at Greytown.

23.—Notification of appointment of Miss Marchant, Principal Girls' High School, vice Mr. A. Wilson, transferred to Boys' School.

Formation of Otago section of National Association of N.Z.

26.—Military Tournament at Tahuna Park.