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Heels 1986

Arthurs Pass Aug 22 to 30

page 20

Arthurs Pass Aug 22 to 30

Sat Aug 22

After sorting out gear in Christchurch we drove to Arthurs Pass. The weather forecast was terrible and at the Arthur Pass Ranger Station we were told of the extreme avalanche danger in the area. Arthurs Pass had had the most snow for 15 years. After leaving the car at Klondyke Corner, we walked up a dry Waimakariri River to Anti-Crowe Hut.

Sun Aug 23

The day was spent tramping - first to Carrington Hut up the Waimakariri River and then up to Barker Hut. The trip up to Carrington Hut was done in sandshoes and we changed into plastics while on route to Barker Hut. At Barker Hut the toilet was covered in snow, with only about the roof visible. We found the door almost completely buried in snow and snow even inside the hut due to a window being left open.

Mon Aug 24

The weather was fantastic as we left the hut to try to climb our first objective: Mt Murchison. We heard on the radio that there was flooding in South Canterbury, but where we were it was cloudless. We made good time on the climb travelling over the White Glacier to Kahitea Col. where we stopped for lunch and took in the view. Mt Cook was clearly visible to the south, as was the West Coast. There wasn't a cloud over the Southern Alps, with the only cloud being over poor Canterbury. We climbed the last 300 feet to the summit and took our summit photos. We didn't linger on the summit, as we were sitting on a cornice which looked very fragile and dropped away sharply for several hundred feet. We climbed back down the White Glacier and were back at the hut by 2pm. At the hut I joined the others in my first game of "500", after being told one wasn't a real tramper or climber until one played the game.

Tues Aug 25

An early start was in order as we set off to climb Mt Harper. The climb up Mt Harper was rather more difficult than Mt Murchison but the views at the top made it worthwhile. We could see Mt Cook in the south and Mt Tapuaenuku in the north, and a cloudless Southern Alps in between. The East Coast was clearly visible but there was cloud over the West Coast. The afternoon, after returning to the hut was spent carrying on to Carrington Hut.

Wed Aug 26

Brian's thermometer measured minus 3 degrees inside the hut when we awoke. The day was spent tramping up to Waimakariri Falls Hut in fine weather again. That afternoon Brian, Richard and Daniel looked for a potential route up Mt Rolleston whilst I nursed a sore knee.

Thurs Aug 27

We were woken at 6am by the sound of an avalanche and a look outside revealed the sight of a Hogs Back cloud over Mt Anderson. We left the hut early, with Brian and myself deciding to attempt the easier Mt Anderson, while Richard and Daniel tried Mt Rolleston.

The route Brian and I took was not the best, having a wrong turn and climbing up 1000 feet to a ridge that did not lead to the top. After eventually reaching the top of Mt Amderson we were faced with hurricane force winds and had to cling onto our ice-axes to avoid being blown down to the West Coast. Once back at the hut, we indulged in another game of "500 " after learning of the success of Richard and Daniel in climbing Mt Rolleston.

Fri Aug 28

The hut was buffeted by gale force winds all night and morning so any thought of more climbing was discarded. We spent the day tramping to Carrington Hut and playing cards in the afternoon.

Sat Aug 29

The walk down the Waimaakariri River was the only event of the day and we promptly returned to Christchurch.

Brian Dobbie VUWTC (L)

Wayne Stevens VUWTC

Richard Muggleston NZAC Auckland

Daniel MacKereth NZAC Auckland
