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Heels 1973

Monty Pythons Tramping Rosscrowd

page 22

Monty Pythons Tramping Rosscrowd

Monty Pythons Tramping Rosscrowd

page 23



1. No more...
10. Lost found and
11. Wet leg
12. First woman in Garden of Eden
14. John Sullivan's fundamental orifice
16. Pissed
19. The Phinton Chinderer
20. Chairwoman
21. El Capitan
23. Refer 41 across
25. Gear custodian
28. Any
29. Loudspeaker (see 14 across)
30. Overtrou
32. Law of the Jungle
34. Fruit (ducky)
36. Albino Afro
37. 1001 peanuts
38. Ego-tripper
39. Me (anag)
40. 8
41. Citroenic maniac
42. Reels
44. Scotney
45. Schormanns-Kaitoke
46. Alongside
47. Tim Stern (init)
49. Gitarzan
50. Wapiti
53. No flyson
55. Singlet of 1 down
56. The Waiouru bird
58. Alpha
59. Either...
60. Extremely brave
62. Margi
64. Hutc packs
66. Realist
67. Auckland island nut


20. Kevin Helm
52. Brother of P.A.
66. Sticks to your ribs.


1. Day tripper
3. Music (anag)
4. Wyn's better half
5. Bivvy artist
6. Down upside down
7. Woodrow's fork
8. Pud
9. Hotstuff
12. We (anag)
13. In charge of Heels
15. Holdsworth-Kaitoke
17. Bikie Bowen
18. Rear
22. Charwoman
24. Mark Hinton
26. Milko
27. Gear
29. Rock-climbing footwear
31. A woody plant with alcoholic sap (leaves parties early)
33. Ridge east of main range
34. Dribble Scribbler
35. Flightless bird commonly found in Tararuas
36. Am (anag) 38. See 38 across
42. Angle Knob
43. Pike
44. Dark character
47. Girl from [unclear: Macsden]
48. Lost & found
51. Bladder problem
54. Sticks to boots
58. And lost found
61. 2X 38 down
63. You
64. Tra la...
65. See 32 across