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The Atoll of Funafuti, Ellice group : its zoology, botany, ethnology and general structure based on collections made by Charles Hedley of the Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W.

Reference Letters

Reference Letters.

an. Anterior neuropore.
av. Afferent vessels of subepidermic capillaries of proboscis.
bps. Body of proboscis skeleton.
brg. Branchial groove.
cbs. Central blood-space of proboscis.
ccl. Collar canal.
ccp. Prolongations of collar cœlom into the proboscis neck.
cfw. Circular musculature of outer wall of anterior rim of collar.
ch. "Chondroid tissue."
cl. Cleft into which dorsal vessel opens.
cm. Circular musculature of proboscis.
cnc. Collar nerve cord.
cnl. Axial canal of collar nerve cord.
coe. Collar cœlom.
coe. Part of collar cœlom into which the collar canal opens.
div. "Notochord."page 346
dn. Dorsal nerve of trunk.
dp. Dorsal proboscis pockets.
dp. Blindly ending ventral portions of dorsal proboscis pockets.
dsc. Fibres of dorso-ventral muscle plate.
ds. Dorsal septum of collar,
dv. Dorsal vessel.
ep. Epidermis.
epb. Epibranchial strand.
eps. " End plate " of proboscis skeleton.
epth. Epithelium of throat.
epv. Efferent proboscis vessels.
g. Gonads.
gap. Genital aperture.
gc. Gill pocket.
gg. Branchial canal.
gl. Glomerulus.
git. Lateral gonad branch.
gm. Mesial gonad branch.
gnc. Genital cushion.
gp. Gill pore.
gs. Gill septum.
gt. Gill tongue.
gtb. Epithelium of "gill tongue back."
gtc. Cavity of gill tongue.
h. Heart-bladder.
i. Intestine.
idv. Intestinal diverticulum, just behind branchial region.
ifw. Musculature of fore wall of anterior rim of collar.
ies. Low cubical epithelium covering the inner edge of the septal bar and the surfaces of the tongue bars.
lb. Anterior horn of lumen of the "notochordal " blind sac.
lbs. Ventral blind sac of "notochord."
lc. Limiting cushions between branchial canal and œsophagus.
lfw. Longitudinal musculature of outer wall of anterior rim of collar.
lm. Longitudinal musculature of proboscis.
lmt. Longitudinal musculature of trunk.
ls. Lateral septa of trunk.
nf. Nerve fibre layer.
ngr. Nerve fibre ring of proboscis neck.
ntr. Nerve ring at posterior end of collar. 03. (Esophagus.
ol. Opening of lumen of "notochord" into the throat.
p. Proboscis pore.
pc. Proboscis canal.
phs. Perihsemal spaces.
pps. Peripharyngeal space.
ps. Proboscis skeleton.
rf. Radial fibres between fore and outer walls of anterior rim of collar.
sn. Synapticulee.
sp. Splanchnic epithelium of proboscis ccelom.
spr. Septal bar of gill skeleton.
tpr. Tongue bars of gill skeleton.
vgs. Septal vessel.
vn. Ventral nerve.
vp. Ventral proboscis pockets.
vps. Ventral septum of proboscis.
vv. Ventral vessel.
vw. Ventral wall of heart-bladder,