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Typo: A Monthly Newspaper and Literary Review, Volume 1

(From the American Lithographer and Printer.)

(From the American Lithographer and Printer.)

Printing on Tinfoil.—The impression is at first made from the stone on to a rubber roller and from this roller the ink is rolled or transferred off again upon the tin plate. There has lately been invented a steam press, which we think has also been patented. This press is working in the same plan, and the main principle is that the rubber has the qualification of taking a much sharper impression than any kind of paper in the market, and by its elasticity has also the nature of printing smooth and solid on a hard surface, even if the same is uneven. If the ink becomes too hard, by printing several colors on top of each other, add to the first color you print a trifle of yellow wax with venetian turpentine. This will prevent the trouble, and the ink will lift readily.