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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 8 (November 1939)

“Bert Palmer Memorial Cup.”

“Bert Palmer Memorial Cup.”

New Zealand lost a fine forward when Bert Palmer, Auckland and All Black representative, “passed over” in 1932, but his memory has not been allowed to fade away. Each year a competition is conducted in Auckland when the “Bert Palmer Memorial Cup” is awarded annually to the schoolboys' team displaying the greatest qualities of sportsmanship, neatness and good conduct on and off the field. This year the much-prized trophy was won by Marist Bros.’ intermediate team and on the final Saturday of football in Auckland no fewer than 3,000 schoolboy footballers who play in the schoolboy competitions marched to Eden Park and assembled in front of the main stand while the Mayor of Auckland, Sir Ernest Davis, presented the cup to the captain of the successful team.