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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 4 (July 1, 1939)

Buy New Zealand Goods

Buy New Zealand Goods.

(Continued from page 13)

resource, and we ought to hald all the world's records.

I was delighted with my survey of this widespread industry, the most important from many points of view in our whole country. There is one thing that can be said with assurance: the “overwear” industry is absolutely proof against the traditional criticism that “New Zealand manufacturers cannot afford to instal the latest plant—the output is not large enough.” I have found this postulate to be false in every factory I have so far seen, but it is false in a peculiar degree of intensity in the clothing industry.

The machines used in New Zealand are identical to the last small wheel with those used in the best factories in New York, London, or Berlin. In general, our equipments are ahead of most of the countries of the world; the whole range of world patterns and designs is open to us; our systems of measurement, fitting, and making are modelled exactly on the latest methods obtaining in the leading establishments of the world. In every factory I visited, I was impressed with the meticulous care of the examination and checking departments, always manned by men of skill and experience.

Our methods have to be adapted to the very great differences that exist in the average physical make-up of the New Zealander. Perhaps it is a matter for pride, but we are invested as a race with a thickness of arm and shoulder and a certain sturdiness of body that makes its own problem for the New Zealand clothing manufacturer.

However, the industry is in the charge of competent men, mostly with many decades of experience, and we are only in the second generation and approaching the third, of craftsmanship and managerial skill. New Zealanders can and do make clothes as well as any other folk. There is no excuse for a New Zealander to wear anything but a New Zealand-made suit, overcoat, sports suit or any other garment made by his own fellow citizens.