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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 12, Issue 5 (August 2, 1937)

Parsley Sandwiches

Parsley Sandwiches.

Wash some parsley, pick off the fresh leaves and chop them fine. Then mix this evenly with butter and a squeeze of lemon juice. Spread this on thin slices of bread.

The experienced married lady who, when asked to reveal the secret of how to manage a husband tersely replied, “feed the brute.” Evidently believes that the way to a man's heart is via his tummy. But there's “another way,” as the cookery books have it. What about smoking? Wives who hate and detest tobacco, and there are still some who won't allow their husbands to smoke — at any rate in the house—make a great mistake. The wise wife knows full well what the weed can do and how under its beneficient influence irritability and temper generally vanish. Therefore, ladies, “feed the brute” if you like, but let him smoke when—and where—he will, and all will be well. Get him to smoke one or other of the famous toasted blends, Cut Plug No. 10 (Bullshead), Navy Cut No. 3 (Bulldog), Cavendish, Riverhead Gold and Desert Gold. They have a most delicious flavour and a beautiful aroma and are very pure because toasting eliminates the nicotine as nothing else does or can. These are the only toasted tobaccos manufactured.*

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