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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 11, Issue 3 (June 1, 1936)

Panorama of the Playground —

page 60

Panorama of the Playground —

—(Continued from p. 56 ).

his own message had to be rebroadcast by the main party and thence by a wireless relay of several steps, including Norway, until it reached an amateur wireless operator in Surrey. Another wonderful example of radio and sport!

New Zealanders will be able to listen to a running description of the Olympic Games next August, and it will not be difficult to imagine the enthusiasm there will be if—or should I say, when—Lovelock, Boot, Matthews, Giles, Fisher, Arbuthnot and Gordon, bring Olympic honours to the Dominion. The German Olympic organising committee has made elaborate preparations for special short wave stations to give descriptions particularly for the benefit of the citizens of outlying countries.

What Wrestling Owes to Radio.

Wrestling is one sport, more than any other that owes a great deal of its popularity to the radio. Until commentators gave the general public an idea of what modern wrestling was, few gave the mat sport a second thought. To-day there cannot be many New Zealanders who do not know the meaning of the “Boston crab,” the “Indian death grip,” or “body scissors.” But, more important than the benefit the radio has been to wrestling measured in terms of attendance and # s. d., is the contribution it has made, through wrestling, to the improvement in the physical and mental development of the young manhood of New Zealand. Wrestling is one of the best body-building exercises known, and the wonderful physique of visiting matmen must have impressed spectators. What has been the result? New Zealand youths have taken to the sport like ducks to water, almost every town, large or small, has its wrestling gymnasia where sane exercise is taken.

Although wrestling as a means of livelihood is practised in New Zealand almost entirely by visiting grapplers, there are at the present time at least two New Zealanders making names for themselves—Blomfield and El'iott. They learned the groundwork of their profession in New Zealand and went overseas to discover the finer points, but one young athlete who may outdo their deeds is H. Bartlett, of Wellington. Now but 21 years of age, he has a physical development not bettered by any of the visitors and his knowledge of wrestling, gained by dint of self-sacrifice and perseverance under a most capable tutor has impressed competent authorities who predict the highest honours for him.

Prospects of Olympic Year.

Olympic year invariably produces athletic performances unexpected on the previous year's form, and 1936 in New Zealand has been no exception. Regularly each month the Council of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association meets in Wellington, and with almost monotonous regularity it has to scrutinise applications made for performances bettering existing figures. Prominent among the records by New Zealanders to get official recognition this season are the following (previous records given in parenthesis):-

C. H. Matthews, 2 miles, 9 min. 17 3/5 sec. (9 min. 20 1/5 sec.); C. H. Matthews, 3 miles, 14 min. 18 3/5 sec. (14 min. 27 1/5 sec.); V. P. Boot, 880 yards, 1 min. 54 4/5 sec. (1 min. 54 4/5 sec.); V. P. Boot, 1,000 yards, 2 min. 14 3/5 sec. (2min. 15 1/5 sec.); 220 yards hurdles, P. F. Sharpley, 25 2/5 sec. (25 3/5 sec.); A. T. Anderson 440 yards hurdles, 55 3/5 sec. (55 3/5 sec.); E. Munro, women's discus throw, 91 ft. 7 ½ in. (no previous record); A. A. Cameron, discus throw by a New Zealander, 139 ft. 3 ½ in. (139 ft. 2 in.); D. Strachan, women's broad jump, 17 ft. li in. (16 ft. 6i in.); Canterbury team, 1 mile relay, 3 min. 34 sec. (3 min. 35 2/5 sec.).

In addition to the records passed, the following performances, although officially checked, were not accepted through certain rules not being complied with, e.g., course not surveyed after and on the day of the race, or application forwarded more than one month following the date of competition:-

C. H. Matthews, 2 miles, 9 min. 20 sec. (9 min. 20 1/5 sec.); V. P. Boot, 880 yards, 1 min. 53 2/5 sec. (1 min 54 4/5 sec.); B. Forbes, women's high jump, 4 ft. 11 in. (4 ft. 10 in.).

Retirements of Mr. A. C. Kitto.

Mr. A. C. Kitto, for sixteen years a member of the Executive of the New Zealand Rugby Union, will be missed from that body this season. He was the “veteran in service” on the Union, and his connection wiih the sport has been for the sport's benefit. After sixteen years he has earned a spell from executive work, but his interest will not dwindle.