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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 2 (May 1, 1935)

Invalid Comfort

Invalid Comfort.

There are many points that make for the comfort and well-being of an invalid. In the first place, choose the most cheerful and sunny room available. Remove any superfluous furniture, ornaments and hangings, taking care not to make the room more bare and comfortless than the case demands. The bed should be narrow, with a good firm mattress. It is difficult to make a patient comfortable on a sagging bed.

Care must be taken when making the bed to pull the under-blanket and sheet very tightly and smoothly, and tuck them well under the mattress. Avoid creases, as they are the cause of great discomfort and bedsores are often traceable to poorly made beds. The lower blanket and sheet should be well tucked in at the top of the mattress, and the top sheet and blankets tucked well under the foot, so that the bedclothes do not slip. Fold the sheet back about eighteen inches over the blanket. Bed linen should be changed frequently. Due consideration should be given to the situation of the windows and the patient should avoid facing the light.

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