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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 1 (April 2, 1934.)

Home Notes. — Tomatoes

Home Notes.

Now that tomatoes are in season you will find that the most delicious and inexpensive dishes may be made from them. It is seldom that we find anyone who, liking tomatoes, wearies of them before the season is over. Out-of-season, too, we can have the same delicious and inexpensive dishes made from the tomatoes which we have preserved at so little trouble and cost. In this connection it would not be out of place to include a recipe for tomato soup which will keep all the year. Here it is:

Put 41b. of tomatoes, 2 onions, 1 teaspoon salt, peppercorns and sugar, and a little thyme into a saucepan with two quarts of water and boil rapidly for half an hour, and then rub through a colander. Bottle and seal while hot.

When needed, heat the desired quantity, add the necessary quantity of milk, a little butter, and thicken with flour.

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