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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 8 (February 1, 1933)

“New Zealand Railways Magazine.”

“New Zealand Railways Magazine.”

I hereby certify that the publisher's lists and other records disclose that the circulation of the “New Zealand Railways Magazine” has not been less than 20,000 copies each issue since July, 1930.

Deputy-Controller and Auditor-General.

page 4
This pure air Braces the listless nerves and warms the blood.—Joanna Baillie. Hanmer Lodge (South Island, New Zealand) and its scenic side trips. (Reached by rail from Christchurch, thence motor.)

This pure air Braces the listless nerves and warms the blood.—Joanna Baillie.
Hanmer Lodge (South Island, New Zealand) and its scenic side trips. (Reached by rail from Christchurch, thence motor.)