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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 4 (August 1, 1932)

Beauty Rules

Beauty Rules.

Follow these “Commandments” and you will be “a joy for ever.”

1. Drink water—hot in the winter—especially first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

2. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables—whether you like them or not!

3. Never eat between meals! Oh, stern and harsh rule, requiring Spartan strength, but necessary.

4. Sleep, sleep, one long night in three.

5. Massage your face regularly with a little cream—circular outward movement.

6. Don't worry unnecessarily; be calm.

7. Don't powder frequently throughout the day without first thoroughly removing one layer; otherwise your face becomes “caked” and your skin dies from suffocation.

8. Take as much exercise as possible—sunshine and fresh air. The office girl should make a point of walking part of the way every morning, however lazy she may feel. Circulation is stimulated for the day. Let your week-ends be quite different from the other days—tramp, or golf, or drive, but be outside, and with different people.

9. Dress is not as important as you think; but study cut and colour. Above all, don't over dress. “Consider the lilies.”

10. Never be bored; don't let yourself sink into a rut where life has lost its thrill; throw away worn-out ideas,

“Laugh and be merry,

Better the world with a song.”